Saturday, October 11, 2008

Block Breakers Wind Character

This is how the Wind Character is looking today. The Hair still needs some work (it's mostly going to be in the texture thought) and I still plan on noodling around here and there on the model a little bit, but the big place I plan on putting in a little more work is the face. It's getting there, but it's not there YET! :D But here you go, seeing what she looks like as of now!


Unknown said...

You're characters aren't obese enough.

Kyle Schaugaard said...

Youre comments make my feelings hurt... why don't you Deviantart me and tell me how great i is?

Anonymous said...

Lollipop, lollipop, oh lolli lolli lolli, lollipop, lollipop, oh lolli lolli lolli, lollipop, lollipop, oh lolli lolli ... LOLLIPOP! POP!!!